Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TNS comes to the farm


this is the video that Nate Bennet shot for the Puerto Rico group when they came up to work at Common Wealth Farm. It's really great I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did. This video gives a slightly excelerated and amped up version of the daily grind here on the farm.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I made it

     So everyone I'm finally here!! After fundraising concerts and last minute packing and round tables. I spent last night washing eggs and just talking with Ryan and Gina while they baked for market today. Later in the evening I helped Ryan with the chores and loading the truck for their early departure the following morning. Today I was by myself but it was all good I needed a day to just be able to ease into the space and get acclimated with my surroundings in my own way. I did morning chores with the animals at 6:30, followed by more unpacking. I had a quick lunch around 1:00 and then strapped on snowshoes and my Axe and went for a walk. I walked the Property with Tico ( Ryan + Gina's dog ) up the snowy hills; Tico's lightweight in shape body did better than my heavy lumpy one. I cut some limbs from a couple of tree's for a little project I will be working on, a project that might just find it's way to market. Tomorrow already looks to be eventful with another early start and a trip to work on a neighbors farm.
     Well this is really just a post to let you know that I'm here and that the learning is going on right now it's the real deal!

Monday, February 14, 2011


So committee here is where I'm at. It seems as if all of the of the issues and complications that come with planning a trip are converging on me all at once. Due to the fact that I am no longer employed I am not pulling in all of the funds that I need to finance the trip. I will need roughly $650 to make this work. I realize that this is a lot of money and I'm planning to do a fundraising coffee house / open mic to get some of it. I am also applying for a travel scholarship from the school. I really do need to be with Ryan for the whole month to make this endeavour worthwhile and a success. So if anyone has any suggestions or ideas for me or would like to hire me to do anything odd jobs cleaning ect. that would be fantastic.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I also just want to put out there that I am going to be doing some fundraising for this project. I will keep my committee informed as to when the event or events will be held but I am really grateful to the school for allowing me to do this. Although I will be spending little to no money while on the farm in March, I will be out of work and in order to pay my bills I am going to need to do some fundraising. right now I am tentatively thinking of doing a coffee house to benefit my project at the school but I have not gotten much more than an idea at the moment.

poultry design 2.0


this is the actuall dimensions of the poultry kitchen just so you know what the scale of it all is.