Saturday, March 5, 2011

I made it

     So everyone I'm finally here!! After fundraising concerts and last minute packing and round tables. I spent last night washing eggs and just talking with Ryan and Gina while they baked for market today. Later in the evening I helped Ryan with the chores and loading the truck for their early departure the following morning. Today I was by myself but it was all good I needed a day to just be able to ease into the space and get acclimated with my surroundings in my own way. I did morning chores with the animals at 6:30, followed by more unpacking. I had a quick lunch around 1:00 and then strapped on snowshoes and my Axe and went for a walk. I walked the Property with Tico ( Ryan + Gina's dog ) up the snowy hills; Tico's lightweight in shape body did better than my heavy lumpy one. I cut some limbs from a couple of tree's for a little project I will be working on, a project that might just find it's way to market. Tomorrow already looks to be eventful with another early start and a trip to work on a neighbors farm.
     Well this is really just a post to let you know that I'm here and that the learning is going on right now it's the real deal!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Landon-
    I'm glad you're getting all settled in with Ryan and Gina. I hope this experience will be fabulous for you. I'll check in with your blog from time to time. You can always visit my blog too if you want
