Sunday, January 30, 2011


I also just want to put out there that I am going to be doing some fundraising for this project. I will keep my committee informed as to when the event or events will be held but I am really grateful to the school for allowing me to do this. Although I will be spending little to no money while on the farm in March, I will be out of work and in order to pay my bills I am going to need to do some fundraising. right now I am tentatively thinking of doing a coffee house to benefit my project at the school but I have not gotten much more than an idea at the moment.


  1. Hey Landon-
    I like your blog. I have no clue what all this plucking and killing cones means, but I bet you do. I I KNOW your project will go really well.
    Can you believe it? Graduation in T minus 4.5 months. Keep up the good work.

  2. hey thanks Susan did my mom send you this link? no killing cones are cones birds are placed into to have there throats sliced and where they can be drained of blood without moving. Plucker's are mechanical devices designed to remove feathers off of birds (if you want there are some examples/video's below). I am very stressed about all of this but I am also enthusiastic. I would love for you to play music at our fundraising coffee house

  3. Negotiate for room and board in compensation for your blood and sweat.
